Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO)

We offer many years of experience

We Offer many Years of Experience

Full Aircraft Management

We offer various support services to our customers. The most common and broadly used service is full aircraft management which includes Maintenance and CAMO for the aircraft.
Early detection of potential defects by pilots/line maintenance/ HUMS
Feed the information into the Intelligent Maintenance Management System
Based upon the analysis different actions are triggered
OEM input/ exchange
Order of parts/ tools
Reschedule of base maintenance scope/timing
More detailed inspection

What is CAMO?

HeliService has a dedicated Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) which satisfies the requirements of EASA Part CAMO regulations, provides bespoke oversight of EASA Part-145 maintenance, forms the link between EASA, the German Aviation Authorities LBA and the helicopter manufacturer regarding helicopter maintenance, and generates inspection and upgrade work packages.
Our CAMO staff has many years’ experiences across the range of aircraft we are supporting. We use intelligent and fully integrated aircraft management software, and the Continuing Airworthiness Maintenance Exposition (CAME) document provides depth and detail on our processes and how Continuing Airworthiness is assured.
We will proactively manage your helicopter fleet by understanding the baseline inspection schedule, analysing aircraft HUMS data, and recognising maintenance opportunities in the forecast flying programme, so that your helicopter availability is optimised.


A. Gievers

Head of CAMO