IMS – Intelligent Maintenance System

Highest maintenance reliability
on time and budget

Achieve a Higher Uptime of your Aircraft.

HeliService IMS logo

High Planning Accuracy

The IMS – Intelligent Maintenance System – HeliService`s approach to change maintenance as it has been done, and still is done most of the time.
We have established a learning system which uses the very information from all maintenance tasks which have been performed on a particular aircraft type, and even on specific aircrafts in the past.
With the historic data we are able to predict maintenance tasks in their entirety, have a high planning accuracy in terms of duration of a maintenance task as well as the associated costs. HeliService applies the IMS to its own fleet and to the fleet of its maintenance customers.
The closer your aircraft is interlinked with HeliService, the more data we have from your aircraft, the better can we predict, and plan, for the maintenance of the aircraft.
The data we accumulate and the information and lessons we draw from remain with HeliService and serve only one purpose: to achieve a higher uptime of your aircraft.

We can predict maintenance events, in terms of duration and cost, better than anyone else in the industry. We can do so by applying accumulated experience and an intelligent learning system – the Intelligent Maintenance System (IMS). Because we have that very intelligence, we can conduct maintenance faster and at a lower cost.

Roy Hurrell

Base Maintenance Manager Munich/Oberpfaffenhofen

HeliService Maintenance process

HeliService Maintenance process
HeliService Maintenance process explained

With the IMS we Provide our Customers:

Laptop HeliService

Full transparency on cost

We document and outline the costs associated with the maintenance work and of any ancillary, the costs of components and any ancillary costs which might have occurred.

Transparent approval status (findings & approvals)

The Customer Information Portal is further used as a documentation and approval tool for any findings which might have a occurred during the maintenance. There is a short description to each finding, with photos if necessary. All findings are rated: “can be mitigated with the next maintenance/ recommended to be mitigated now/ required to be mitigated immediately”. In addition, the expected time schedule and man hours required, to mitigate the findings and the component costs, are provided.

Full documentation

  • Entire maintenance is documented
  • All work cards are available to the customers
  • Any additional reports are made available

Full transparency on time, status and progress

  • Live view on aircraft maintenance progress
  • Indication and explanation of any delays
  • A full overview of the status of spare parts
  • Revised update on the expected completion date
  • Full transparency on cost for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance