Besides the transportation of individual technicians and engineers to a single wind turbine, the most efficient and safest way to exchange personnel is via helicopter – a so called crew change operation. The aim is to ensure a smooth exchange of personnel with minimal disruption to schedule, regardless of weather conditions. The transport by helicopter shows its advantages over surface vessels to the maximum. This is made possible using modern high-performance AW139 type helicopters, in combination with the more than 30 years of experience in offshore logistics that HeliService offers.
While vessel transport causes long, unproductive transport times, the passengers in a HeliService helicopter spend only a few minutes in the air in comparison. A productivity advantage that increases with the number of passengers.
At the same time, the flight passengers are not exposed to wind and weather conditions or high waves and the associated risks of accidents or discomfort. The helicopter flight is much more comfortable and ensures significantly lower CO₂ emissions per passenger.