A Safety Management System is a systematic approach to managing safety. The objective is to control (flight) operational risks which requires planning, organising, communicating, and providing directions.
International Civilisation Aviation Organisation
Aviation Safety is the control of flight operational risks. The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) is the worlds’ umbrella-organization, responsible for the development of principles of the international air transport to enhance flight safety. The EASA enhances civil aviation safety and standardizes regulations based on the ICAO principles for all EU countries. EASA regulations, as well as national regulations are the ones we must comply with, when it comes to the aviation safety.
(O)H&S (Occupational Health & Safety) is the control of work-related risks when it comes to safety at the workplace. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is responsible
for the development of standards in all technical and nontechnical fields. The ISO norm 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems) is the one, we must conform with, when it comes to Occupational Health & Safety.
In some cases, the aviation and the ISO regulations overlap, however, both fields have dedicated personnel, responsible for their field of expertise.
While the Safety Manager is responsible for the Aviation Safety, it is the Work Safety Manager, who takes care of the (O)H&S.
Internal investigation and risk assessments on the part of work-related incidents and accidents
Safety Manager (Flight Operations, Continuing Airworthiness, Ground Operations)
Internal investigation and risk assessments on the part of work-related incidents and accidents
Compliance monitoring is a set of processes (program/system) to ensure a systematic and independent comparison of requirements (regulations, standards, legal binding documents) to the reality (as documented, implemented, evidenced) in specific scopes.
International Civilisation Aviation Organisation
HeliService International GmbH
Gorch-Fock-Straße 105
26721 Emden
HeliService International GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Str. 316
82131 Gauting
Telephone: +49 4921 36801-330
Mail: contact@heliservice.com